Why social selling?

Our world is becoming increasingly digital and perhaps also a little more complicated. What does social selling mean? This is just one of the many questions that need to be answered on a daily basis and for which it is also worthwhile.

This is a group of people that discusses about social selling and its benefits

Social selling offers a wealth of opportunities that may not always be immediately apparent. But one thing is clear: social networks such as Facebook, Instagram and the like are not just great for keeping in touch with people all over the world or making new friends. Social networks are also an excellent way to offer products or services.

The meaning of social selling - simply explained

Social selling is becoming increasingly popular as an effective sales method. No wonder. This is because social selling has a lasting impact on the markets. This sales methodology uses the various social media channels to encourage interaction with potential customers, while at the same time generating leads.

Platforms such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook in particular are predestined for the successful implementation of social selling. In addition, your own company website or even Instagram as well as partnerships with influencers in the field of social selling can also lead to promising success.

What does social selling mean for customer loyalty?

This unique sales methodology is not primarily about closing a deal quickly. Customers should therefore not be sold the various products or services head over heels or made palatable. Social selling is so much more and that is why it is so valuable for every company.

Social selling takes the view that a long-term customer relationship is more successful than a quick deal. In this way, companies get to know their customers much better, understand the problems and interactions, so that a natural trust develops in social media that leads to more success in the long term. Posts from customers are commented on, liked and shared. And the free advertising that a company can gain through social selling also has a lasting impact on customers.

Social selling in comparison

So what does social selling mean for a company’s marketing? An interesting question. It is clear that most people have already realized that nothing works without social media. Whether on Facebook or Instagram – advertisements from small and large companies can be found everywhere. This is because most companies still prefer to rely on advertising in social media or social media marketing. There is nothing wrong with that at first.

After all, every fourth post in a Facebook feed, for example, is an advertisement. In addition to posts from friends, families, etc., we are also regularly shown advertising based on our interest algorithm. According to a survey, most people spend around two hours a day on social media. Numerous ads are therefore viewed within this period. And especially for companies that don’t want to lag behind the competition when it comes to marketing, it may be necessary to rethink things a little.

The well-known and popular social media marketing is based on the active organization of promotions and special offers, which are then posted on the social media platforms of the respective company. When advertising on social media, part of the marketing budget is spent on ads. These can also be published on Facebook and the like, for example, even if the company is not present on these platforms.

However, the importance of social selling is greater. This sales methodology enables direct interaction with customers – whether via the customer’s published posts or messages. However, it always creates a feeling of credibility and familiarity that cannot be found in other marketing strategies.

More success for companies

What does social selling mean for companies? Clearly: significantly more success. Of all the different tactics used in sales psychology to increase sales and customer growth, social selling is the most effective. Past studies have clearly shown that social media has a higher lead-to-close rate than outbound marketing – 100 percent of the time. Due to the pandemic, this lead has increased significantly once again.

What does social selling mean for sales?

Social selling is expected to increase sales. This is partly due to the high number of people who use the various platforms every day – 3.2 billion people. So around 45 percent of the world’s population is on Facebook, X, Instagram etc. every day. In addition, recent surveys show that the average shopper spends between 20 and 40 percent more money on brands with which they have already had contact or interacted in some way on social media. Companies should not miss out on the resulting opportunities. After all, neither do their competitors.

Speaking of competition: around 91 percent of retail brands are already regularly active on social platforms. And every day there are more. As a result, Facebook and Co. have been able to record substantial advertising revenues in recent years. We are talking about several billion US dollars. This is also a clear guarantee that social selling is on the rise. Companies that still miss the boat now will probably lag far behind the competition in the long term.

Social selling: customers love it!

But what does social selling mean for customers? Frankly, many buyers expect social selling. Anyone looking for a new product or service often also searches social networks. If no company presence can be found there, most customers become suspicious. Particularly with regard to successful social selling, it is not always necessary to interact with customers. But a presence on Facebook and the like can never hurt to build up a whole new level of trust and, above all, a basis for a long-term customer relationship.

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